Semi-Permanent Make-Up
Do I need to shave my eyebrows off to have semi-permanent brows?
NO! We will remove hair that are outside your eyebrow shape but other than that please don’t shave your eyebrows for your appointment
Can I have lip blush if I have lip filler?
Yes off course you can! If you have just had lip filler, you have to wait 2 weeks until you can have the lip blush treatment but other than that you can have lip blush freely
Do I need a patch test?
Yes you do, you can book a free patch test, or we can send a patch test out to you!
How long does lip blush, ombre brows or eyeliner last?
Semi permanent make up lasts around 2 years. The colour will gradually fade over time, which will vary from person to person. We recommend top up sessions every 12-18 months to keep the PMU looking fresh.
Do the lips swell after lip blush?
Yes the lips can swell after lip blush but this does depend from person to person as it is a very individual matter. Some people may swell, some people may not swell.
How long does an appointment take?
A PMU appointment takes around 2 hours. This will include filling in your consent forms, going through colours, creating the shape and then doing the actual treatment.
Is there any pre-care for the treatments?
Please do not have any alcohol for 24 hours and no coffee on the day before your appointment.
Laser Hair
What are the benefits of laser hair removal?
- Helps with ingrown hair and any irritation they may cause
- Any darkness hair growth causes (EG dark shadows on your underarms
- Helps with getting rid of strawberry legs
- Getting rid of any irritation shaving causes
- You see results after just one session
Can I shave in between sessions when having laser?
Yes you can shave as much as you need/like in between sessions, you just can’t wax!
How many sessions of laser hair removal do I need?
Generally speaking we suggest a minimum of 6 sessions, you will start off with having your 2nd session after 4-6 weeks and as your sessions go along the gap in between sessions will get bigger. It can go up to a 12 week gap but we will suggest to you the gap in between sessions as you go along. Some people will have permanent results, some may need a touch up session every 6-12 months
What can I expect after my first laser hair removal treatment?
We recommend that you complete a full course to experience up to 90% of hair loss. However you can expect to start to see results after your first session
How long does it take to have your under arms lasered?
VERY VERY quick! Around 5 minutes to laser
Can I have laser hair removal if I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)?
One of the main side effects of PCOS is excess facial/body hair growth. The most common area we see tends to be around the chin area however it can be across the body. We gave many clients that come in with PCOS and see great results. As PCOS is a hormonal imbalance, you may need more sessions than the average but it is an amazing way to combat the excess growth.
Can I have laser hair removal if I am tanned or if I have fake tan on?
With our machine you can be tanned and still have laser hair removal. However you can not have an active tan so all we ask is that you don’t sunbath or go on sun-beds for 10 days prior to your appointment. However fake tan can not be worn for your appointment so please make sure this is taken off before you come in. You can wear fake tan in between your sessions but it just can not be present for your appointment.
How often do you have your laser sessions?
After your first session of laser you will come back in around 6 weeks. The gap in between will increase every time you come in and you will end up coming every 10-12 weeks.
Lash Lift
How long does a lash lift last?
Around 6-8 weeks
Can you wear mascara with a lash lift?
Yes you can wear mascara with a lash lift 24 hours after your treatment. As part of the aftercare you should not wear mascara for the first 24 hours however after that you can apply it.
Do I need a patch test for a lash lift?
Yes you do, you can book a free patch test, or we can send a patch test out to you!
How long does a lash lift appointment take?
A lash lift appointment takes 45 minutes
Does a lash lift include a tint?
Yes it does!